Beard Elixir Delivery Information
We offer domestic and international shipping for all of our products. Please see below for more information on our shipping options, delivery times, and fees.
For logistical reasons, some items purchased in the same order may need be sent in separate packages. This means you may not receive all your products in the one package.
Please be sure to enter your address correctly. We are NOT responsible for lost packages due to an incomplete or incorrect address.
How do I place an order on your website?
To place an order on our website, simply select the products you wish to purchase, add them to your cart, and proceed to checkout. You will be prompted to provide your shipping and payment information to complete the order.
Can I cancel or modify my order after it has been placed?
If you need to cancel or modify your order, please contact us as soon as possible. We will do our best to accommodate your request, but cannot guarantee that changes can be made once the order has been processed and shipped.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept all major credit cards, as well as PayPal.
What are my shipping options?
We offer express and standard shipping options for domestic orders, and standard international shipping for international orders.
What is the cost of express shipping?
Express shipping costs $5.99 for orders under $37.00.
How long does express shipping take?
Express shipping takes 1 to 4 business days.
What is the cost of standard shipping?
Standard shipping is free for orders over $50.00.
How long does standard shipping take?
Standard shipping takes 2 to 8 business days.
Do you offer international shipping?
Yes, we offer standard international shipping for a flat rate of $20 on all products.
How long does international shipping take?
Standard international shipping takes 6 to 27 business days, depending on the destination country.
Can I track my international order?
Yes, you can track your international order using the tracking number provided in your shipping confirmation email.
While we strive to deliver goods in the time frame we specify, we cannot guarantee or accept liability for deliveries outside of this time frame as we rely on third party shipping companies to facilitate our deliveries. We cannot accept liability for out-of-pocket expenses or other costs incurred due to failed or delayed deliveries.
The processing time for orders is generally 1-2 business days. Once an order has been processed a tracking number will be generated and forwarded to you via email. If you have not received your tracking number within 3 business days, kindly inform us by email at and include your order number.
Please note that these are estimated delivery times only, therefore MrBlashi is not guaranteeing delivery dates. Don't worry, we will always do our best to deliver on or before your delivery dates. There may be some other unforeseen circumstances beyond our control that may lead to delays, for example, customs, public/national holidays, natural disaster, air and ground transportation strikes or delays etc.
My order has been dispatched. Can I track it?
Once your order has been shipped, you’ll receive a tracking number via email. Note, it can take up to 2 days for shipping activity to update.
The processing time for orders is generally 1-2 business days. If you have not received your tracking number within 3 business days, kindly inform us by email at and include your order number.